Apollo+ Plans

Apollo+ Membership Pricing

Initial Onboarding Fee: $200/One-Time (Free)

Annual Membership: $240/Year ($20/Month)

Annual membership is billed after onboarding completion.

Initial onboarding fee includes full system diagnosis & site transfer.

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  • Once you subscribe to a plan, you will go through our onboarding process. we then connect you to our monitoring system where we run diagnostics. You will be billed the One-Time Fee when onboarding is complete.

  • The One-Time fee includes the cost of transferring your monitoring, the initial system diagnosis & health report.

  • The annual subscription includes

    -Ongoing monthly reports

    -Active notifications if there is a system error or requires maintenance

    -Any troubleshooting/repairs that can be done remotely.

    -Any on-site repairs for a flat $100 service fee